This page contains link to data files with estimated structural breaks for each metropolitan area, as well as a ZIP file which contains replication kit for the main tables and figures.

There are two structural break files available for direct download:

  1. The first file contains the structural breaks used in the 2SLS analysis, which relate 2000-2006 changes in labor market and college attendance outcomes to changes in housing demand. This file is available here.

  2. The second file contains estimated structural breaks used in the "event study" analysis, which estimates breaks in earlier years and studies outcomes in period 1990-2006. This file is available here.

NOTE: Please see main text and Online Appendix for more detailed information on the construction of the structural break estimates. If your dependent variable is available annually (or at higher frequency), and you are using annual data that covers 1990s and 2000s, then the second file will probably be more appropriate, since it will contain pre-2000 structural breaks that can be used in estimation. Authors should also consider using the estimated structural breaks in Ferreira and Gyourko (2011); these authors use more detailed housing transactions data, but have much smaller sample of cities.

The replication kit ZIP file can be downloded here.

Most of the raw data is publicly available:

To get access to the restricted-use NLSY97 data, please contact the Bureau of Labor Statistics for assistance with drafting a Letter of Agreement. (

Please contact Matt Notowidigdo with any questions (noto at northwestern).