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Teaching Portfolio

(includes teaching philosophy & description of teaching experiences)

Spring 2011: Chicago State University

Taught Semester Course PS1150: Intro to Astronomy

  1. BulletCSU developed hands-on interactive group activities with authentic data

  2. Bulletmasteringastronomy.com

  3. BulletBennet et al. ‘Cosmic Perspectives’, 6e

  4. BulletInvestigating Astronomy by Slater & Freedman

Mentor: Dr. Kim Coble

Fall 2010 - present: Northwestern University

Design and lead weekly pedagogy seminar for NU STEM graduate students paired with local teachers to develop computational thinking problem-based lesson plans for the middle and high-school STEM classroom

(NSF-funded GK12 ‘Reach for the Stars’)

2011 - present: Northwestern University Center for Talent Development

Developed the materials and am teaching online astronomy enrichment courses for middle and high school students, including an honors computational astrophysics course.

  1. BulletClick here for my Honors Computational Astrophysics course website.

  2. BulletClick here for my Astro Adventures course website (general astronomy).

If you’d like to use these materials in your teaching/outreach, please send me an email for the passwords and instructor notes.