Topic: 2 body problem 1. For Thurs 9.22: --read pp. 22-32 --scan pp. 33-34 --read pp. 48-49 2. For Tues 9.27 (but try get started before Thursday--download the code and bring in a laptop if you have one on Thursday). --Download the mercury6 code from here: and read the instruction file ("") (If you really insist, you may use a different N-body code. Some other codes which you can google are SWIFT/SWIFTER, HNbody, and Hut's hermite code.) --Simulate the Sun and Mercury for a few orbital times with an N-body code, and show that Mercury's orbit produced by the code has a=.39, e=.2, and that it traces the analytical expression for the ellipse r = a*(1-e^2)/(1+ecos(theta-pomega)). Do that by plotting both r vs. theta from the code, and overplotting the analytic expression. Note: you will need to modify the following files (a) (to remove all planets other than Mercury; you may also make mercury coplanar by setting its z=vz=0, and set epoch=0) (b) (to remove all small bodies) (c) (to change algorithm--I recommend bs2 for now; and to change start time, stop time, etc) You will also need to modify and compile and run element6.for after mercury6 has finished running. That will create a file MERCURY.aei, whose columns you can read and plot with a program of your choice, e.g. supermongo, gnuplot, matlab, mathematica, python's matplotlib, etc. If you have never used a plotting program, gnuplot is probably the simplest to learn. For example, to plot column 1 vs. column 7 starting from the 5th line in gnuplot, you would write "plot 'MERCURY.aei' every ::5 using 1:7" For more help with gnuplot, see number 6 here: as well as the links at the bottom of that page, and google.