Topic: 2 body problem cont., getting mercury6 to work, Intro to Perturbation Theory For Tues 9.27: 1. Start reading section 6, especially 6.2, 6.7-6.9 (up to eq. 6.171). Try derive one of 6.145-6.150, and one of 6.170-6.171. In your readings, skim 6.4 (intro to "literal expansion", i.e. expansion in e and I), to get a rough sense, and also for eq. 6.67. Skip 6.3 (expansion in alpha), 6.5 (which is summarized in Appendix B) and 6.6. 2 --do Mercury problem described in 09_20.txt --repeat, but with both Jupiter and Mercury, where aJ=5.2AU, aM=0.39AU, eJ=0, eM=0.2, iJ=0, iM=0 (i.e. semimajor axes, eccentricities, and inclinations) What is Mercury's precession rate? --read section 2.10 (pp. 57-60)