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Department of Economics
Northwestern University
2211 Campus Drive
Evanston, Illinois 60208, USA

Office number: 3225

Telephone: 847-491-8233
Facsimile: 847-491-7001





Economics 335 (Political Economics) Syllabus

Economics 412 (Dynamic Methods for Economics) Syllabus

Economics 414 (Frontiers of Applied Theory) Syllabus upon request.




Early-Career Discrimination: Spiraling or Self-Correcting? with Arjada Bardhi and Yingni Guo, R&R, Review of Economic Studies.

·        How does early-career discrimination affect workers’ long-term prospects? Does discrimination amplify, or does it subside over time?

·        We show that the answer critically depends on how workers ability is revealed over time: when failures are more informative about successes about workers’ ability, even a small amount of early discrimination can have a large impact on long-term prospects, while the opposite is true of jobs for which skills are mainly revealed through successes.

·        We first establish the result in a small market model with fixed wages, and then show that it holds in a large labor market model with flexible wages, the modeling of which is another contribution of the paper.




When to Convict Defendants Facing Multiple Accusations? A Strategic Analysis with Harry Pei, R&R, RAND Journal of Economics.

·        When a defendant is accused of multiple crimes, one may consider punishing him if the overall probability that he has committed at least one crime is high, instead of treating each possible accusation independently.

·        We show that this aggregation rule, which has been advocated by prominent legal scholars, can severely reduce the informativeness of witnesses’ reports and increase the proportion of offenders once agents’ strategic interactions are taken into account.




Existence, Uniqueness, and Regularity of Solutions to Nonlinear and Non-Smooth Parabolic Obstacle Problems with Théo Durandard, submitted.

·        We prove the existence of a unique regular solution for a large class of time-heterogeneous, second-order nonlinear partial differential equations with a multidimensional state, an irregular obstacle, and a Lipschitz domain.

·        Lipschitz domains include non-smooth domains common in economics such as orthants and budget sets.

·        Irregular obstacles capture non-smooth stopping payoffs, which generically arise when the decision maker must make a final decision upon stopping, such as whether or not to invest in a project or to acquit or convict a defendant after an information acquisition stage.


Persistent Private Information Revisited with Alex Bloedel and Vijay Krishna, R&R in Econometrica

·        We revisit Williams’ (Econometrica, 2011) model of optimal insurance with persistent private information and continuous time.

·        The contract characterized as optimal in that paper belongs to a class of contracts that can be implemented by self-insurance contracts and is generically suboptimal within this class.

·        The claim that immiserisation disappears with persistent private information and the effects attributed to persistent private information and to continuous time by that paper are not supported by our analysis. We elucidate some sources of these discrepancies.




Robust Implementation with Costly Information with Harry Pei, Review of Economic Studies, 2024

·        We consider robust implementation for a concept of robustness that builds on Kajii and Morris (1997) when agents must incur a cost to learn the state.

·        Agents’ preferences are uncertain, as are their beliefs and higher-order beliefs about one another’s preferences.

·        We propose a mechanism that implements any desired social choice function when perturbations concerning agents' payoffs have small ex ante probability.

·        We also demonstrate that full implementation is impossible unless agents have a direct of interest in the state of the world as it relates to the social choice being implemented.


Online Appendix


Judicial Mechanism Design with Ron Siegel, American Economic Journal: Microeconomics, 2023

·        When a suspect is arrested for a crime, they enter a judicial process or mechanism that produces evidence in the case and a sentence.

·        We study the optimal design of judicial mechanisms for several notions of welfare, which differ in their treatment of deterrence.

·        The optimal mechanism presents several features reminiscent of the US criminal justice system, such as plea bargaining, a trial with a binary verdict of either acquittal or conviction, and a conviction threshold based on the likelihood of the defendant’s guilt.

·        The assumption of commitment required for our mechanism design analysis is reflected in several aspects of the U.S. criminal justice system.


Can Society Function Without Ethical Agents? An Informational Perspective

·        This paper proposes a model of societal learning, where information must be discovered by individuals with specific expertise or unique access to the fact to be learned.

·        If these individuals lack an intrinsic motive to seek and reveal the truth, the feasibility of societal learning relies on statistical conditions related to the availability of evidence about the fact.

·        The model’s applications are discussed in the contexts of institutional enforcement, social cohesion, scientific progress, and historical revisionism.

·        Listen to the AI podcast here.


Learning and Corruption on Monitoring Chains, American Economic Review, Papers and Proceedings, 2021


Renegotiation-Proof Contracts with Persistent States

·        This paper defines a concept of renegotiation-proof contracts for dynamic contracts in which the state is either (i) publicly observed or (ii) driven by a diffusion process.

·        The concept uses the algebraic notion of left-action group to compare contracts across distinct states. It subsumes the notion of internal consistency used in repeated games.

·        The concept is applied to a principal-agent insurance model in which the agent has persistent private endowment shocks. Renegotiation-proof contracts have a closed-form and are characterized by a single number, the contract sensitivity to the agent s reports.


The Economic Case for Probability-Based Sentencing with Ron Siegel

·        Criminal trials do not formally allow sentences to reflect the strength of evidence.

·        A growing number of legal scholars have criticized this restriction.

·        This paper proposes an economic model that formalizes and unifies the arguments put forward in the law literature and addresses three of the remaining objections to the use of evidence-based sentencing: i) political legitimacy (the impact on the coercive power of the state), ii) robustness to details of the environment, and iii) incentives to acquire evidence.


Contestable Norms with Mikhail Safronov

·       To be sustainable without external enforcement, social norms, contracts, and other agreements must include provisions not only to deter violations but also to address challenges to move to other norms, contracts, or agreements.

·       We introduce contestable norms, which achieve both objectives, analyze their conceptual foundation, efficiency, stability, design, and evolution, and characterize their payoffs.

·       Contestable norms may be inefficient, no matter how frequent agents interactions and proposals, to an extent determined by the amount of conflict inherent in agents strategic environment.

·       The analysis sheds new light on the efficient institution hypothesis and the renegotiation paradox.






Substitute Goods, Auctions, and Equilibrium with Paul Milgrom, Journal of Economic Theory, 2009.



Beyond Correlation: Measuring Interdependence through Complementarities with Margaret Meyer


Discounting, Values, and Decisions with John Quah, Journal of Political Economy, 2013


Aggregating the Single Crossing Property with John Quah, Econometrica, 2012.

Increasing Interdependence of Multivariate Distributions with Meg Meyer, Journal of Economic Theory, Symposium on Inequality and Risk, 2012.

Generalized Monotonicity Analysis with Thomas Weber, Economic Theory, 2010

Comparative Statics, Informativeness, and the Interval Dominance Order with John Quah, Econometrica, 2009.


Multidimensional extension




A Theory of Intergenerational Altruism with Simone Galperti, Econometrica, 2017





Existence, Uniqueness, and Regularity of Solutions to Nonlinear and Non-Smooth Parabolic Obstacle Problems with Théo Durandard, submitted.


On the Smoothness of Value Functions and the Existence of Optimal Strategies in Diffusion Models with Martin Szydlowski, Journal of Economic Theory, Symposium on Dynamic Contracts and Mechanism Design, 2015




Capital Mobility and Asset Pricing with Darrell Duffie, Econometrica, 2012.


Supplement to "Capital Mobility and Asset Pricing"


Performance Sensitive Debt with Gustavo Manso and Alexei Tchistyi, Review of Financial Studies (winner of the Society for Financial Studies Young Researcher Award, 2009), 2010.




Early-Career Discrimination: Spiraling or Self-Correcting? with Arjada Bardhi and Yingni Guo, R&R, Review of Economic Studies.




When to Convict Defendants Facing Multiple Accusations? A Strategic Analysis with Harry Pei, R&R, RAND Journal of Economics. 


Judicial Mechanism Design with Ron Siegel, American Economic Journal: Microeconomics, 2023.

The Economic Case for Probability-Based Sentencing with Ron Siegel





Can Society Function Without Ethical Agents? An Informational Perspective


Collective Commitment with Christian Roessler and Sandro Shelegia, Journal of Political Economy, 2018


The Hidden Cost of Direct Democracy: How Ballot Initiatives Affect Politicians Selection and Incentives with Carlo Prato, Journal of Theoretical Politics, 2017 


Learning While Voting: Determinants of Collective Experimentation Econometrica, 2010.

     Extension: Voting and Experimentation with Correlated Types

     Working paper version (Oxford, 2007): Voting and Experimentation

     This version includes the Singaporean Restaurant example




Persistent Private Information Revisited with Alex Bloedel and Vijay Krishna, R&R in Econometrica


Contestable Norms with Mikhail Safronov


Contract Negotiation and the Coase Conjecture, Econometrica, 2017



Contract Negotiation and Screening with Persistent Information


Renegotiation-Proof Contracts with Persistent Private Information

For the 2011 version with moral hazard, click here.




Early-Career Discrimination: Spiraling or Self-Correcting? with Arjada Bardhi and Yingni Guo, R&R, Review of Economic Studies. (cross-listed with Labor Economics)


Robust Implementation with Costly Information with Harry Pei, Review of Economic Studies, 2024


Can Society Function Without Ethical Agents? An Informational Perspective

(cross-listed with Political Economy)


Social Experimentation with Interdependent and Expanding Technologies with Umberto Garfagnini, Review of Economic Studies, 2016


Learning While Voting: Determinants of Collective Experimentation Econometrica, 2010.
(cross-listed with Political Economy)




Additive Envelopes of Continuous Functions with Thomas Weber, Operations Research Letters, 2010.

Monotone Comparative Statics: A Geometric Approach with Thomas Weber, Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications, 2008.


2011 - Last Updated: 02/10/2016 - Disclaimer

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