The Origins of AstronomyAstronomy has very old, prehistoric origins. Ancient peoples spent much more time under the night-time sky than we do (watching their flocks by night) and they did not have to contend with atmospheric pollution and bright city lights. Here is what they saw:
In other words, the Sun has two motions, unlike the stars. In addition to rotating across the sky every day, the Sun also moves against the starry background. The early Greeks considered the stars to be fixed to a crystalline sphere which simply rotated around the Earth. So, they figured the Sun must be on a second sphere attached to the inside of the starry sphere, rotating once per year around a second axis which was itself set at an angle to the rotation axis of the starry sphere. Such an arrangement could make the Sun rise and set daily, plus rotate yearly around the inside of the starry sphere, plus move N-S along the horizon, in the just manner observed.
3) The Moon moves like the Sun, except differently. For one thing, it moves against the starry background far more swiftly. The place on the horizon where the Moon rises each day shifts N-S, like the Sun, but the Moon completes a full cycle in only 29.5 days, rather than a year. Also, the Moon does not follow exactly the same track every cycle, as the Sun does. After one year the Sun always returns to exactly the same spot against the starry background, but after 29.5 days, the Moon does not. It very slowly, over a span of about 19 years, weaves back and forth across an area which appears to circle the heavens like a belt. This belt is also known as the zodiac. Most ancient peoples studied the heavens carefully, because it was felt that the heavenly objects could affect the Earth. If nothing else, they certainly created the seasons and made the tides. However, ancient civilizations either made no effort to explain what they saw, or they ascribed it to supernatural causes. NOTE -- It is important to realize that theories in science are not "right" or "wrong" so much as they are useful or not useful. Visualizing the heavens as a giant sphere which surrounds the Earth is an idea that has its uses even today, and in any case, the real importance of the Greek ideas is not whether they were "right" or "wrong", but rather, the fact that the Greeks had physical ideas in the first place. The most important idea of physics is that there is such a thing as physics. Perhaps the most critical difference between scientific and nonscientific concepts is that the scientific ones have consequences. If you decide that the Moon is being pushed around the sky by gods, then nothing the Moon does can surprise you because you have already made up your mind that it is all unfathomable anyway. Or, to use a more modern analogy, if you have already decided that an unexplained light in the sky was caused by UFOs from the planet Zargon, then nothing you say has to make any sense, because you can just claim that it was caused by unknown super-science. On the other hand, if you have a specific, physics-based model for how the Moon moves, then you are in a position to notice deviations from that model, and to ponder on what it means.
To account for the planetary movements, a variation of the principle of uniform circular motion was introduced. It was supposed that the planets moved along epicycles, which were smaller circles attached to and centered on larger circles (rather like orbital gears, if you know what those are). In principle, by superimposing circles rotating in opposite directions, one could create motions wherein the planets would move backwards at certain times. Alas, Greek and then Roman astronomers discovered that one epicycle per planet could not adequately describe their motions, and so -- you guessed it -- they began piling epicycle upon epicycle, and eventually they were using hundreds to describe the motion of only five planets. Even worse, they eventually began using epicycles whose centers were off-set from the main circle, or which rotated around axes that did not go through the center of the circle. In short, they had moved a long, long way from the elegant crystalline spheres of Eudoxus, and no one actually believed that the epicycles meant anything physically. In fact, one couldn't possibly take epicycles literally, because most of the circles from the various planets overlay each other, and how could that be if they were solid? Also, many of the epicycles had grown so large that if a planet really was attached to one, it would have to swing dramatically inward and outward - that is, the planet's size and brightness would have to vary drastically as seen from the Earth. But this is not true. By 200 A.D., when the Roman astronomer Ptolemy wrote the final, definitive treatise on epicycle theory (known as the Almagest, which is Arabic for "the greatest") epicycles were considered to be only mathematical fiction. The western half of the Roman empire collapsed during the fourth century, and when the great library at Alexandria was burned in 404 A.D., the first age of astronomy came to an end. Ptolemy's book was the last word on astronomy for nearly 1300 years.
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