In this assignment we'll do some more working with regular expressions in context, dig a bit into two of the major libraries for processing language in Python, work on reading files with the CSV module, analyze different eras of poetry, do a bit of plotting, and even build two (somewhat annoying) chatbots!
So far in Python we've worked with a few built-in modules: string, random, math, etc. These modules are fundamentally just Python scripts that ship with an installation. For instance, when you load the Anaconda version of Python we use on Quest, and then import string
in a Python script, it loads this file:
This is just a python script with useful variables and functions in it, like e.g. the 'punctuation' variable.
But there is a ton of useful software for Python that has been written by other people and is available for us to use. The terms library or package refer to a collection of modules someone else has written but that are not built-in to Python. We can install these external packages and then import
them to access their functionality.
As you've seen in this class programming is often a process of building up layers of abstraction, using the functionality we've created previously to solve ever-more complex and interesting problems. External libraries are an incredible way to leverage the cleverness and work of many many people beyond ourselves to easily do more complex things.
However, one hiccup is that these packages also can rely upon one another, creating a potentially tangled web of dependencies between different bits of software. On top of that consider that software is often being updated and reworked, and the web gets even more tangled with all the different versions. The core solution to this is a package manager, a piece of software that makes sure dependencies are fulfilled and that are no conflicts when a new package is installed.
Python's built-in package manager is called pip
, and is often a good solution for installing packages on your home machine. Documentation here.
On Quest and other shared environments, however, package management can get even more complicated. A commonly used open-source package manager these days for research and scientific computing is conda
(aka Anaconda), and this is what Quest uses for package management. In fact, we've already been referencing it on the command line each time we invoked module load anaconda3/2018.12
, because the installation of Python we use was provided by Anaconda.
All this is to say, we have to interact with conda
if we want to use external packages on Quest. Some more documentation here, but I'll walk you through what we need to do for this assignment.
and nltk
installed.¶Open a terminal, ssh to Quest, and run the following commands. Load our Anaconda-provided Python as usual:
module load anaconda3/2018.12
Create a new conda "environment":
conda create -n py3_ling300 python=3.7
This will take a while. An "environment" refers to a particular set-up of installed packages. Here we're naming the new environment 'py3_ling300' using the -n
flag. With conda
, if we needed to, we could quickly switch to e.g. another environment that uses an older version of some package.
Once it's done being created, "activate" the environment like so:
source activate py3_ling300
Once it's been activated, when we open Python we'll be in the specific 'py3_ling300' environment with its own installation of Python and packages and so on. We can now install the packages we need to work with:
conda install ipykernel spacy nltk
These will be installed to our environment. Now we have to make the environment available to Jupyter:
python -m ipykernel install --user --name py3_ling300
This installs a new kernel to Jupyter called 'py3_ling300'.
To continue working on the assignment, close and re-open this file. Then go up to the 'Kernel' menu at the top of the notebook, then 'Change kernel' and select 'py3_ling300'.
If you're running this assigment on your home computer, you already used pip
to install Jupyter. For this assignment, you should use it to install the packages spacy
and nltk
, and everything else should work.
# Run this cell; ye olde run_tests
def run_tests(func, tests):
print('Running {} tests on the `{}` function...'.format(len(tests), func.__name__))
errors = 0
for val, ret in tests:
if type(val) == tuple:
assert func(*val) == ret
assert func(val) == ret
except AssertionError:
print('\t\terror for input {}'.format(val))
errors += 1
if errors == 0:
print('All tests passed!')
to match names that have formal titles attached.¶For this problem, edit the regular expression below so that when we apply it with re.match
it will match strings which have at least one name with a formal title attached to it. So these will all be of the form "Title Name" or "Title Name Name" etc.
Specifically, catch these titles: Sir, Dame, Miss, Mister, Madam, Mr., Mrs., Ms., and Dr.
The period should be optional for titles followed by it (that is, both "Mrs So-and-so" and "Mrs. So-and-so" are okay).
One important thing to note here is that re.match
is anchored at the beginning of the string, so you have to allow for cases where the title is not the first thing in the string. An alternative would be to match using
, which is similar but looks anywhere in the string, but we aren't doing that in this problem!
nametitle_pattern = r'.*(Sir|Dame|Miss|Mister|Madam|Mr[.]?|Mrs[.]?|Ms[.]?|Dr[.]?)( [A-Z][a-z]+)+'
import re
tests = [
('Along came Sir Galahad', True),
('How dare you, Sir. I never!', False),
('Sirius Black', False), # notice this shouldn't match even though it is a name
('My favorite actress is Dame Judi Dench', True),
('Hot Take: Your Argument is Fundamentally Flawed', False),
('Oh no, Miss Havisham!', True),
('Mississippi River', False),
('Mr. Oizo just dropped an epic beat', True),
('Mrrr Murmur', False),
('Mister Rogers? Love that guy.', True),
('Madam Secretary', True), # notice this should match even though it's not a name, need more complex strategies for this one!
('Dr Carrie Oakey', True)
def test_nametitle(s):
if re.match(nametitle_pattern, s):
return True
return False
run_tests(test_nametitle, tests)
using regular expression groups to extract names matching the pattern from a string.¶Now copy your previous regex to the variable new_nametitle_pattern, and use it in the function below to return a list of the names that appear with titles in a string. The names returned, however, should be just the name as a string without the title.
Check out the re.findall
or re.finditer
methods here, which can be looped over to return all matches with a given pattern on a string. You'll need to use groups ()
in your regex to make this work - remember the associated lesson from RegexOne and look up help
on the match
object, which has a group
new_nametitle_pattern = r'(Sir|Dame|Miss|Mister|Madam|Mr[.]?|Mrs[.]?|Ms[.]?|Dr[.]?)((?: [A-Z][a-z]+)+)'
def nametitle_extractor(s):
matches = []
for match in re.finditer(new_nametitle_pattern, s):
return matches
tests = [
('Along came Sir Galahad, who exclaimed, "Oh no, Miss Havisham!"', ['Galahad', 'Havisham']),
("Mr. Rogers' favorite actress is Dame Judi Dench", ['Rogers','Judi Dench']),
('Mr. Oizo just dropped an epic beat', ['Oizo']),
('Welcome to Singalongs with Dr Carrie Oakey', ['Carrie Oakey']),
('Just a ho-hum magical day with my friend Sirius Black.', []),
run_tests(nametitle_extractor, tests)
There are a number of good libraries for processing language data in Python, here we'll play with two: NLTK and spaCy.
NLTK is older and in some sense more established, with a greater focus on traditional approaches; spaCy is newer and more modern with a focus on the latest-and-greatest applications.
Both need us to start by downloading some data. For NLTK you can just run the following cell:
import nltk'punkt') # word tokenizer model'averaged_perceptron_tagger') # part-of-speech tagger'brown') # the Brown corpus:
For spaCy you need to open your terminal in Quest again, and first activate the appropriate environment:
source activate py3_ling300
And then install its basic models:
python -m spacy download en
This will download pre-trained machine learning models that allow us to do some neat linguistic processing without much of a hassle.
and spacy_tokenized
to compare each library's tokenization algorithm.¶import nltk
from nltk.tokenize import word_tokenize
import spacy
nlp = spacy.load('en', disable=['parser','ner'])
The above code loads NLTK's word_tokenize function, and the spaCy NLP pipeline in an object named nlp
. In the spaCy case, we explicitly disable the syntactic parser and named entity recognizer since they slow things down a bit and we won't use them in this assignment.
Play with both of these (or look them up with help
) to figure out how to use them to tokenize a string. They are also discussed in Chapter 3 of the NLTK book and in the spaCy documentation.
In the below functions, you want to return a string representation of the sentence where each token is separated by space. For instance, "Don't do that!"
should return "Do n't do that !"
def nltk_tokenized(s):
return ' '.join(word_tokenize(s))
def spacy_tokenized(s):
doc = nlp(s)
return ' '.join([t.text for t in doc])
tests = [
'"Can you see the snow-capped mountains?" asked Martha. "I can\'t," replied Xavier.',
"Get me those T.P.S. reports A.S.A.P., Mr. O'Donohue!",
"After today, I'll never call you a ne'er-do-well again.",
"What's the frequency, Kenneth?"
s = "What's the frequency, Kenneth?"
assert nltk_tokenized(s) == spacy_tokenized(s) == "What 's the frequency , Kenneth ?"
print("Tokenization outputs:")
for test in tests:
print('Raw:\t', test)
print('NLTK:\t', nltk_tokenized(test))
print('spaCy:\t', spacy_tokenized(test))
[Fill in your answer here.]
and spacy_lemmatized
to convert strings to stem- and lemma-only versions.¶We talked a bit in class about lemmatization, a form of morphological analysis that allows us to group together all the inflected forms of a word as the same canonical type. E.g. run
, running
, ran
all become simply run
An earlier set of algorithms called stemming were aimed at doing a similar thing. They used heuristics to chop off morphological markings to make inflected words map to the same string representation. spaCy doesn't have stemming, but NLTK does. Below use the classic PorterStemmer to return a space-separated stem-only version of a string. Some helpful details in the NLTK book.
On the other hand, lemmatization is not super well-implemented in NLTK and is a bit of a pain to do, so let's just do it in spaCy. In the below function return a space-separated string of lemmas. Check the available properties on spaCy's token
objects, and note that in spacy you often need to return attributes ending in an underscore. Again the spaCy documentation is very helpful.
def nltk_stemmed(s):
tokens = word_tokenize(s)
porter = nltk.PorterStemmer()
return ' '.join([porter.stem(t) for t in tokens])
def spacy_lemmatized(s):
doc = nlp(s)
new_s = []
for token in doc:
return ' '.join(new_s)
tests = [
'I was supposing that things would be most excellent.',
'That guy had gone before, was going regularly, is still going, and will go again.',
'Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers. A peck of pickled peppers Peter Piper picked.',
'Three thin thinkers thinking thick thoughtful thoughts.',
'The running man ran down the runway he had run before.'
s = 'I was supposing that things would be most excellent.'
assert nltk_stemmed(s) == 'I wa suppos that thing would be most excel .'
assert spacy_lemmatized(s) == '-PRON- be suppose that thing would be most excellent .'
print("Stemming and Lemmatization outputs:")
for test in tests:
print('Raw:\t', test)
print('NLTK stem:\t', nltk_stemmed(test))
print('spaCy lemma:\t', spacy_lemmatized(test))
[Fill in your answer here.]
to annotate strings with their part-of-speech tags.¶Now let's use the functionality of both packages to identify part-of-speech tags in text.
The reading for this week from SLP Chapter 8 explained part-of-speech tagging as a task, namely to identify the syntactic category of words. There are many possible tag sets we could use, but both NLTK and spaCy default to outputting Penn Treebank-style tags. These are also discussed in the reading, with a helpful table listing the tags on the second-to-last-page in Figure 8.1.
A common format for representing POS tags is word_tag
, so we'll use that here. Take in a string, tokenize it, and return a space-separated string where each token is followed by an underscore and its POS tag.
So an example output should look like:
I_PRP was_VBD supposing_VBG that_IN things_NNS would_MD be_VB most_RBS excellent_JJ ._.
def nltk_pos_tagged(s):
tokens = word_tokenize(s)
return ' '.join([t[0] + '_' + t[1] for t in nltk.pos_tag(tokens)])
def spacy_pos_tagged(s):
doc = nlp(s)
return ' '.join([token.text + '_' + token.tag_ for token in doc])
tests = [
'I was supposing that things would be most excellent.',
'That guy had gone before, was going regularly, is still going, and will go again.',
'Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers. A peck of pickled peppers Peter Piper picked.',
'Three thin thinkers thinking thick thoughtful thoughts.',
'Colorless green ideas sleep furiously.'
s = 'I was supposing that things would be most excellent.'
assert nltk_pos_tagged(s) == spacy_pos_tagged(s) == 'I_PRP was_VBD supposing_VBG that_IN things_NNS would_MD be_VB most_RBS excellent_JJ ._.'
print("POS tagging outputs:")
for test in tests:
print('Raw:\t', test)
print('NLTK:\t', nltk_pos_tagged(test))
print('spaCy:\t', spacy_pos_tagged(test))
[Fill in your answer here.]
to count the adjectives occurring to the left of any given word in the Brown Corpus.¶The Brown Corpus is a famous classic corpus (language dataset) comprised of texts from 1961. The corpus itself was collected throughout the 1960s, contains a number of genres, and was the first computerized corpus to exceed one million words in size.
Now that we know how to tokenize and lemmatize and POS-tag, we can start to ask some useful questions of corpora like this. The function below takes a genre/category from the Brown corpus and a 'target word' for which we would like to examine the adjectives, and returns a Counter
with counts of adjectives (i.e. words tagged 'JJ') occuring to the left of the target word. So if the target word is 'cat', an instance of 'smelly cat' in the corpus gets adj_counts['smelly'] += 1
NLTK has an interface for loading the Brown corpus, so that is done for you into a variable called 'sentences' which is a list of lists of words. Feel free to use either NLTK or spaCy to do this problem.
from nltk.corpus import brown
from collections import Counter
def calculate_left_adjectives(brown_category, target_word):
sentences = brown.sents(categories=brown_category)
adj_counts = Counter()
for sent in sentences:
doc = nlp(' '.join(sent))
for idx, token in enumerate(doc):
if token.tag_ == 'JJ' and idx != len(doc) - 1 and doc[idx+1].text.lower() == target_word:
adj_counts[token.text] += 1
return adj_counts
# Feel free to play around with the 'category' and 'target_word' variables here to see what results you get!
# The possible brown corpus categories are news, editorial, reviews, religion, hobbies, lore, belles_lettres,
# government, learned, fiction, mystery, science_fiction, adventure, romance, and humor.
category = 'fiction'
target_word = 'hair'
adjectives = calculate_left_adjectives(category, target_word)
print("Top adjectives to the left of {} in {}:".format(target_word.upper(), category.upper()))
for item in adjectives.most_common(10):
print('\t',item[1], '\t', item[0])
# for fiction/hair, results should be gray, black, grizzled, etc...
CSV stands for "comma-separated values," a common file format for reading and writing data. It generally has a first row of "headers" which identify what sort of data will be in each column, and then the following rows contain the data entries. E.g.:
Python has an incredibly useful built-in module - the CSV module - for working with this sort of file, and it does a lot of nice clean-up behind the scenes for you. The basic paradigm is to create a 'reader' object, which then can be iterated over to get the rows of a file. Check out the documentation and associated examples to do the following problems.
Specifically, I strongly suggest you use the DictReader class, which when iterated over produces a series of dictionaries where the keys are the headers and the values are the associated data entires. So in the example above, iterating with a DictReader we would get a sequence of dictionaries like:
{'robot':'R2D2', 'height': '3\'6"', 'weight': '70.5lbs'}
{'robot':'BB-8', 'height': '2\'2"', 'weight': '92.5lbs'}
{'robot':'C-3PO', 'height': '5\'9"', 'weight': '165.3lbs'}
In this section we'll use the CSV module to read some neat linguistic lexicons into usable formats for our purposes.
to load the Brysbaert et al. (2014) concreteness ratings into a dictionary.¶Brysbaert, Warriner, and Kuperman (2014) have a neat paper entitled Concreteness ratings for 40 thousand generally known English word lemmas, in which as the title suggests they obtain estimates on a scale from 1 to 5 of how concrete (as opposed to abstract) 40,000 word lemmas are. So for instance lizard is quite concrete (rated 4.68) because it can walk around and lick things; affability (rated 1.54) is a bit harder to hold in the palm of your hand; and dermatology (rated 2.92) is somewhere in between.
These ratings (obtained from their website here) are in the file brysbaert_concreteness.csv
in your assignment zip. Check out the file to get a sense for the format. We want to read this file into a dictionary mapping words to concreteness ratings. The key fields to notice are the 'Lemma' field, containing the relevant lemma, and 'Conc.M', containing the mean rating from their annotators.
Note that the CSV module will read all fields as strings by default, so we want to cast the values to float to use them later.
import csv
def read_concreteness(f='brysbaert_concreteness.csv'):
concreteness = {}
reader = csv.DictReader(open(f))
for row in reader:
concreteness[row['Lemma']] = float(row['Conc.M'])
return concreteness
concreteness = read_concreteness()
error = False
if not len(concreteness) == 39954:
print("Error, expected 39954 entries but found {}".format(len(concreteness)))
error = True
tests = [
('sudsy', 4.48),
('deteriorating', 3.38),
('sour', 3.14),
('picturesque', 2.76),
('mysterious', 1.96)
def test_concreteness(w):
return concreteness[w]
run_tests(test_concreteness, tests)
to load the Mohammed (2018) emotion intensity ratings into a nested dictionary.¶Another cool lexicon-building project Mohammed (2018)'s NRC Emotion Intensity Lexicon. This lexicon aims to capture the type of emotion from eight basic emotion classes associated with particular words, as well as their intensity on a scale of 0-1. So for instance disgruntled is associated with 'anger' and 'sadness' at a level around 0.7, and with 'disgust' to a lesser degree of 0.4.
Again this file is included in your assignment zip as nrc_emotion_intensity.txt
. Check out the formatting of this file. You'll note that it looks kind of like a CSV, with headers and rows of values, but it has no commas! That's okay, the CSV module is still to the rescue. CSV classes like DictReader can take a 'delimiter' argument, which specifies what the delimiter should be if not a comma. In this case it's a tab character, or '\t'
. Specify this as the delimiter and everything else will work the same!
Note that since this data representation has two levels (the word, and the various emotions), we need to build a nested dictionary. Specifically, we want a dictionary of emotions nested within words. So emotion_intensity['disgruntled']['sadness']
should return 0.712
as a float, and emotion_intensity['disgruntled']['disgust']
should return 0.406
You can do this by manually defining the interior dictionary as need arises (e.g., emotion_intensity[word] = {}
), or by using a defaultdict(dict).
def read_emotion_intensity(f="nrc_emotion_intensity.txt"):
emotion_intensity = {}
reader = csv.DictReader(open(f), delimiter='\t')
for row in reader:
if not row['word'] in emotion_intensity:
emotion_intensity[row['word']] = {}
emotion_intensity[row['word']][row['emotion']] = float(row['emotion-intensity-score'])
return emotion_intensity
emotion_intensity = read_emotion_intensity()
error = False
if not len(emotion_intensity) == 5975:
print("Error, expected 5975 entries but found {}".format(len(concreteness)))
error = True
tests = [
(('outrageous', 'surprise'), 0.750),
(('magnificent', 'joy'), 0.859),
(('magnificent', 'anticipation'), 0.531),
(('ridiculous', 'disgust'), 0.352),
(('awful', 'sadness'), 0.641),
(('insight', 'trust'), 0.562)
def test_emotion_intensity(word, emotion):
return emotion_intensity[word][emotion]
run_tests(test_emotion_intensity, tests)
in your assignment zip is a file from here on Kaggle, a website for machine learning competitions. It is a CSV of some poems from with two interesting associated tags: one for the 'era' the poem was written in (Renaissance or Modern) and another for its 'topic' (Nature, Love, or Mythology & Folklore).
Inspired by Kao and Jurafsky (2012), who found that professional poets tend to write more concretely than amateur poets, let's compare these categories on the basis of their concreteness.
To do this, use a DictReader to loop over the poetry CSV. In each loop, create a key by combining the 'era' and 'topic' fields in the row (for instance, key = era + '_' + topic
). Use spaCy to loop over each token and get the concreteness of its lemma (skipping the word if the lemma is not in the concreteness dict). Append the concreteness to the list in the counts dictionary for the current key.
In the end we should have a counts
dictionary with six keys (two eras times three topics), each of which has as its value a long list of concreteness values. I've provided code below your section using the statistics
module to calculate and print the mean value for each era/topic.
from collections import defaultdict
counts = defaultdict(list)
reader = csv.DictReader(open('poetry.csv'))
for row in reader:
key = row['era'] + '_' + row['topic']
doc = nlp(row['content'])
for token in doc:
if not token.lemma_ in concreteness: continue
conc = concreteness[token.lemma_]
import statistics
for category in counts:
print(round(statistics.mean(counts[category]), 3), '\t', category)
# for reference, Renaissance_Love should be close to 2.515
It's very common in programming to use code from others and adapt it to your needs. This is a great thing to do, and a great way to learn, but of course cite your sources! Often a good method is to do this in a comment, e.g. # modified from so-and-so at xyz url
Anyway, we'll do this here as a way to check out matplotlib. Matplotlib is a very powerful plotting library for Python, which we don't have time to do a deep dive on, but you can get your feet wet very quickly.
Start by copying the code for the Horizontal Bar Chart example here:
Figure out what the variables mean, and change them to what they should be in our case. You can earlier type this out manually or do it programmatically. Be sure to change all the labels too!
You can simply remove the xerr
argument to plt.barh
, but for an extra challenge, calculate and plot the 95% confidence intervals on the chart. The formula for the 95% confidence interval is:
$$ 95\% CI err = 1.96 * \frac{\sigma}{\sqrt{N}} $$
Where $\sigma$ is the standard deviation of the values (statistics.stdev
) and $\sqrt{N}$ is the square root of the number of observations (math.sqrt
on the number of values in a category).
import statistics, math
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
%matplotlib inline'ggplot')
categories = []
means = []
errs = []
for category in sorted(counts, key = lambda x: statistics.mean(counts[x])):
errs.append(1.96 * statistics.stdev(counts[category]) / math.sqrt(len(counts[category])))
x_pos = [i for i, _ in enumerate(categories)]
plt.barh(x_pos, means, xerr = errs, color='green')
plt.ylabel("Era and Category")
plt.xlabel("Mean Concreteness")
plt.yticks(x_pos, categories)
Congrats on making it this far! These last problems are quite open ended, so don't waste your whole life on them (because you could definitely do that), but do try to give them a stab.
In the reading for this week you heard about ELIZA, a classic computer program that used regular expressions to sound like a Rogerian therapist by reflecting back the thoughts of the user interacting with it.
Here we'll follow that approach with two little bots meant to incorporate some of the strategies we've been working on to create some sort of semi-reasonable conversation.
First we'll define some regular expression replacements that will be used in both casesto cascade over the user's input and replace pronouns with flipped equivalents (e.g. "I" $\rightarrow$ "you") for responses.
pronoun_replacements = [(r'\b([Tt]hey|[Ww]e)\'re\b', r'\1 are'),
(r'\b[Ii]t\'s\b', r'it is'),
(r'\b[Tt]hat\'s\b', r'that is'),
(r'\b[Ii] am\b', 'you are'),
(r'\b[Ii]\'m\b', 'you are'),
(r'\b([Ii]|me)\b', 'you'),
(r'\b[Mm]y\b', 'your'),
(r'\b[Mm]ine\b', 'yours')]
to help our bot communicate its semi-infinite curiosity in better English.¶This bot is like an annoying kid who just learned how to ask WHY. But hey, maybe it will help you reflect more deeply on the purpose of your life, who knows.
The main structure is set up for you and it currently 'works', but the task here is to use a few facts about the structure of questions in English to write a series of re.sub
statements that alter the response to be more jarringly grammatically correct. Try it out and play with it (response 'q' to quit), think about how the answers could seem more natural.
I suggest trying to implement, roughly in order:
appears after some material in the response, move it to be ahead of that material (e.g. Q: Why? A: it is time. Q: But why is it time?You'll notice that ordering of the cascade of substitutions definitely matters.
Extra and significantly more complicated problems:
import random, string
def existential_why_bot():
response = input("Tell me something about yourself.\n\t")
while True:
if '?' in response or 'you' in response or response == 'q':
print("This isn't about me and I won't be taking questions - direct any inquiries to my staff. Good day.")
response = response.strip().strip(string.punctuation)
for pattern, repl in pronoun_replacements:
response = re.sub(pattern, repl, response)
if random.random() > .9: # with some probability call it quits.
response = response # create a new variable called 'response' for continued processing
response = re.sub(r'([Ss]o(?: that)?|[Bb]ecause|cause|you think) (.+)',r'\2', response) # remove because/so
response = re.sub(r'\b(might|may|could|can)\b', 'should', response) # change modals to should
infinitive_pattern = r'to (.+)' # remove initial infinitives
inversion_pattern = r'(.+) (must|will|would|won\'t|did|didn\'t|haven\'t|do|don\'t|is|am|are|should) (.+)' # requires inversion
if re.match(infinitive_pattern, response):
response = re.sub(infinitive_pattern, r'\1', response)
elif re.match(inversion_pattern, response):
response = re.sub(inversion_pattern, r'\2 \1 \3', response)
else: # if neither, add do-support
response = 'do ' + response
response = re.sub(r'\bdo (it|they|he|she) ([^ ]+)s', r'does \1 \2', response)
question = "But why {}?\n\t".format(response)
response = input(question)
print('Aha, I see, {}. It all makes sense now. Thanks, bye.'.format(response))
, which wants to hear how you feel but only if your feelings are stated using many concrete words.¶This bot is similar to the above but a little more emotional and a little more canned. It will keep asking you how you feel until you answer with a sufficient amount of sufficiently concrete words.
Your task is to add up the emotional associations of all the words used in the final response to tell the bot how it should feel about all that concrete stuff you said.
So tokenize the response, find which words occur in our emotion dictionary, and for each emotion category sum up the intensity values. Set top_emotion
to the emotion category with the highest intensity score, and all will be well.
There's an infinite variety of ways you could improve this bot as well. One possibility is that the bot could take into account low values in a category - for instance, picnic and spa are listed as associated with surprise, but with very low values, so we don't have to necessarily react with surprise to the presence of these.
bot_replies = {'sadness': "I'm sorry that {}...",
'disgust': "Ugh, that sounds gross that {}.",
'anger': "I hear you that you're angry because {}.",
'joy': "That's so great that {}!",
'anticipation': "How exciting that {}!",
'fear': "Yikes, it sounds scary that {}.",
'surprise': "Wow, it sounds surprising that {}!!",
'trust': "Very good to hear that {}.",
'other': "I'm not sure I get you."}
import statistics
def overly_specific_empathy_bot():
response = input("How do you feel?\n\t")
idx = 0
while True:
idx += 1
doc = nlp(response.lower())
concrete_words = [token.lemma_ for token in doc if concreteness.get(token.lemma_, 0.0) > CONCRETENESS_THRESHOLD]
if response == 'q':
elif len(concrete_words) <= MIN_CONCRETE_WORDS:
response = input("Can you be more specific? How do you *{}* feel?\n\t".format(' '.join(['really']*idx)))
response = response.strip().strip(string.punctuation)
for pattern, repl in pronoun_replacements:
response = re.sub(pattern, repl, response)
# make sure the response starts with 'you feel'
if not re.match('^you feel (.+)', response):
response = 'you feel ' + response
# collect emotion scores
scores = {x : 0.0 for x in bot_replies}
for token in doc:
if token.text not in emotion_intensity: continue
for emotion in emotion_intensity[token.text]:
scores[emotion] += emotion_intensity[token.text][emotion]
# figure out which had the highest score
# specifically your job is to change the 'top_emotion' string to the appropriate key
# in 'bot_replies' based on the emotion words used
top_emotion = 'other'
top_score = 0.0
for emotion in scores:
if scores[emotion] > top_score:
top_emotion = emotion
top_score = scores[emotion]