Plot your results and the analytical solution all on
the same graph and comment. You can make
a plot with gnuplot as follows: make three
output files with different Δt, named
"out_pt5.dat", "out_pt2.dat", "out_pt05.dat",
and a fourth output file with the exact solution called
"outex.dat". Then type into gnuplot:
plot "out_pt5.dat" with points 7 [And enter return, then:]
replot "out_pt2.dat" with points 6 [return]
replot "out_pt05.dat" with points 5 [return]
replot "outex.dat" with lines [return]
If you do not put all the files in the same directory, you
will have to switch directories before each replot.
You could also plot everything with a 1-line "plot" command.