Always hand in:
- written solutions to any questions
- a paper print-out of well-commented code. Include a multiline comment at
the top of your code with (i) the assignment name, (ii) your name,
and (iii) the date you handed in all elements of the assignment
- paper print-out of output (graph or text)
- also, e-mail me ( the code with your name and
the exercise number in the subject line
For this assignment, you will need four formulas describing
the Keplerian orbit of a test particle around the Sun:
- Its radius r versus angle θ is
given by the ellipse:
where a is the semimajor axis, e is the eccentricity, and
θE is the orientation of the
ellipse; specifically, it gives the angle of closest approach
to the Sun
- Its energy per unit mass is
where MS is the Sun's mass.
- Its angular momentum per unit mass is
Its orbital period is
Note that
energy and angular momentum per unit mass are
defined as
where vx and vy are
the Cartesian components of the velocity,
v = ( vx2 +
and x = r cos(θ), and y = r sin(θ)
Assignment #9
[10 pts due 2pm, May 3]
Write a code integrating the equations of motion
for a test particle orbiting the Sun.
Use 4th-order
Runge-Kutta. You should measure
time in units of years, and length in units of
AU; so, what should
set GMS equal to?
Initialize a particle (Earth) at x=1, y=0,
vx=0, vy=2π,
and integrate.
- Plot its x vs. y.
To make the x vs. y plot look like
a circle in gnuplot, first type "set size square",
and then something like
"plot [-1.5:1.5] [-1.5:1.5] 'out.dat' ".
- What is the orbital period, and what should it be?
- Repeat simulation, but initialized with vx=1 and vy=2π+1.
Plot its x vs y on the same graph as before.
Write two functions to transform between
the Cartesian variables used in your
integrator and the particle's position
relative to an ellipse. One of the functions,
"ellipse_to_xy", will take
as input the four quantities a, e, θ, and
θE, and output the
four quantities x, vx,
y, vy. The second function,
"xy_to_ellipse" will do the opposite.
To test (and show me) that your code works,
choose 4 random numbers for
a, e, θ, and
(.1,.2,.4,.3), apply ellipse_to_xy and print out
Then apply xy_to_ellipse
to recover the original values.
Note: it is straightforward algebra to use
formulas i-iii above (together with the definitions
of u and h) to derive the transformation laws.
A few hints:
In "ellipse_to_xy", to calculate
vx and vy,
you can define α such that
vx=v cosα and
vy=v sinα.
Then one can write h=xvy-yvx=
rv sin(α-θ), and use that to solve
for α.
- In "xy_to_ellipse", to get
θ, check
out the function atan2 in "math.h"
- In "xy_to_ellipse", getting
θE can be a little tricky.
(And you will need it below.)
There are two things to note. If you
use formula i above, you will
need to do an "acos" (inverse cosine).
But this always returns an angle between 0 and π .
To account for when θ -θE
lies between -π and 0, you will need an if statement:
check if the radial velocity
(x vx + y vy)/v
is positive, i.e. if the particle is going from its
periapse (point of closest approach) to apoapse
(point of furthest distance). If so, then
θ -θE should lie between
0 and π and you're done. If not, flip the sign
of θ -θE. The second tricky
thing is that your expression for θE
will likely blow up when e=0. I will let you figure
out how to handle this.
- Using your functions from question 2, initialize
a test particle ("Mercury")
with a=0.39AU and e=0.206,
θE = -3π/4 and
its initial angle θ = θE.
Integrate, and plot
y vs. x and r vs. θ , as output
from your simulation.
Also superimpose on these plots
the analytic formula for an ellipse
(formula i in Prologue above). Make sure you (and I)
can see that the theory matches the simulation.
Calculate the effect of Jupiter on the
precession of Mercury's perihelion.
Do not bother integrating Jupiter's
equation of motion. Just force Jupiter to have
a circular orbit,
with radius equal to its semimajor axis.
Start Mercury as in question 3.
Use the function "xy_to_ellipse" to output
Mercury's θE as a function
of time, and hand in the plot. From that, what is the rate at which
Jupiter causes Mercury's perihelion to precess?
Quote your answer both in radians per year,
and in arcseconds per century, and estimate
the error in your precession rate.
Repeat question 4, but now include the planets
Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn (Uranus
and Neptune are unimportant.). Treat
all of those planets as you did Jupiter.
What is your result for the precession rate,
and with what error?
How does this compare with the
pre-general-relativity result of 531 arcseconds
per century? (When I did this question, I got
a slightly different answer.
The observed result is 574 arcseconds
per century. )
Reproduce Figure 4.15 (both panels).
You can force Jupiter to have a circular
The energy of the test particle is conserved
in the rotating frame of Jupiter. The energy
in the rotating frame (per unit mass) is:
where ΩJ is Jupiter's
angular speed, and rpJ is the
distance of the test particle (or asteroid)
from Jupiter. You should first check for yourself
that urot is conserved.
Now, choose urot equal to its
value for the orbit in the left-hand panel of
Figure 4.15. Select a range of orbits with
the same value of urot.
And plot a Poincaré section of these
orbits. For this Poincaré section, plot
the asteroid's radial velocity versus its
radial position every time the asteroid
has the
same angular position as Jupiter.