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Getting Started

Daily Habits --------------

Create an electronic “Astronomy Research Journal”

  1. Bullet This is a text file in your favorite text editor to keep track of what you do & what you learn.

  2. Bullet Each time you work on your project, you put in a new entry.

  3. Bullet Each entry begins with the date and time.

  4. Bullet It’s written so that months/years from now you can recreate what you’ve done.

  5. Bullet The difficulty with the ARJ is striking the balance between including enough info and minimizing time and effort that goes into writing it.

  6. Bullet At the end of each week, you’ll email me your cumulative ‘ARJ’ -- I use it as an additional way to understand what’s making sense to you, what’s not, what you need help with, & what you find most interesting.

Visit APOD (Astronomy Picture of the Day) Daily

  1. Bullet On any day when APOD particularly strikes your fancy, copy the link into your ARJ.

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