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  2. Bullet Enter Galaxy Zoo w/ Hubble: complete the tutorial & participate

  3. Bullet Enter Galaxy Zoo w/ mergers: complete the tutorial & participate

(Galaxy Zoo is a Citizen Science Project with the Sloan Digital Sky Survey [SDSS].

SDSS is the data set you’ll be working with for this summer research project.

Galaxy Zoo will help familiarize you with the data and the types of questions we’ll be asking)

Now that you’ve started to build your knowledge of stars, galaxies, and black holes (by following this link), you’re ready to start playing with these concepts and the SDSS data:

  1. Bullet    SDSS & Stellar Spectral Types (everything but the ‘Follow-up projects’ page)

  2. Bullet    SDSS & Color

Your first SDSS project with Monsters!  --------------

Click here to begin. As you progress through this first research project, be sure to document your answers to the questions in your ARJ. In your weekly email, also include the graphs you create and your sql queries.

Click here to return to project overview.