Research in the Skogen Lab combines a variety of different scientific approaches to answer broad-scale conservation questions to ultimately guide policy and management decisions. In particular, the research that my students and I conduct integrates data on demography, reproductive biology, population genetics, and threats imposed by anthropogenic activities, including nitrogen deposition, habitat fragmentation and climate change.
My primary research program focuses on understanding pollinator-mediated gene flow (long distance dispersal by hawkmoths), selection for floral traits important in pollinator attraction and fidelity, and assessing the generality of patterns across different groups of plants.
We use field, greenhouse, and molecular data to explore patterns of phenotypic (floral morphology, nectar, floral scent and vegetative characteristics) and neutral genetic (microsatellite) variation in this endemic species.
This project has recently been expanded to determine whether the patterns found in
O. harringtonii are also found in other hawkmoth-pollinated species with similar floral traits, including
Castilleja sessiliflora.
Additional research projects include CARICE, which seeks to identify native forb species for use in large-scale restoration efforts in the western United States.
To learn more, please visit
Research and

August, 2012
Plant Conservation Research Technician & Conservation and Land Managegement Internship Program Coordinator/Analyst
For more information please visit
Questions? Contact Krissa at
Krissa, Becky & Ricky will be presenting talks at the ESA meetings Aug 6-10 in Portland Oregon!
Ricky - Monday 8/6 3:40. Quantitative genetics in a fragmented landscape, a study of heritable traits in
Oenothera harringtonii
Krissa - Tuesday 8/7 10:30. Vagrant pollinators and fragrant plants – geographic structure in floral scent despite hawkmoth-mediated gene flow linking islolated populations.
Becky - Wednesday 8/8 1:30.Assessing competitive potential of native forbs from cheatgrass-dominated habitats.
June, 2012
Becky Barak received the Rangeland Ecology Research Student Travel Award to attend the 2012 Ecological Society of America annual meeting in Portland, OR in August. Congrats, Becky!!
April, 2012
Ricky Rivera will defend his Masters thesis on Wednesday, April 19th at 1:00 at the Plant Science Center at the Chicago Botanic Garden.
Congratulations to Matt Rhodes and Kelly Ksiazek!
Matt was awarded the Steinkamp Award from the Colorado Native Plant Society!
Kelly received the Phipps Conservatory Botany in Action Fellowship and a research grant from Western Ag Innovations!
March, 2012
Congratulations to Matt Rhodes, who was recently awarded a PBC research grant for his masters research.
September, 2011
The lab welcomes three new students this fall!
Matt Rhodes joins us from Truman State University and is developing a Master's research project studying parentage in Oenothera haringtonii
Kelly Ksiazek has recently finished her Master's degree in the PBC program under Jeremie Fant and joins the Skogen Lab for her PhD. Kelly's work focuses on green roofs as habitat for native species conservation
And last, but not least, Ingrid Mette Wickett joined the lab on May 21st, 2011, weighing in at 6 pounds, 11 ounces!
Academic Year 2010-2011
Krissa, Emily and Sadie attended the Botanical Society of America meetings held in Providence, RI, Aug 1 - 4th. Sadie presented a poster on her work with Candace Galen at the University of Missouri - Columbia, titled "Going underground: roots track blue light gradients in the soil." See a YouTube video of Sadie's poster
HERE. Krissa gave a talk in the Plant/Pollinator Interactions in Fragmented Landscapes symposium titled "Hawkmoth pollination of Oenothera in a fragmented landscape - variation in scent, floral morphology, nectar and neutral genetic markers.
The lab will welcome a new Master's student, Ricky Rivera to the lab this fall! Ricky recently graduated from the University of Puerto Rico, Bayamon and attended the Ecological Society of America meeting in Pittsburgh, PA, Aug 1 - 6th. Ricky presented a poster on his work titled "What's eating you? How predation and parasitoidism suppress populations of Lema daturaphila" and discusses his experience in the ESA SEEDS (Strategies for Ecology Education, Diversity and Sustainability) Fellow here: