Background Info: Black Holes

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Basic Properties

  1. Bullet Comprehensive intro to stellar mass black holes

  2. Bullet The birth of a stellar mass black hole

  3. Bullet Black hole quotes

  4. Bullet Anatomy of a black hole

  1. Bullet How to build a supermassive ( > million solar mass) black hole:

  2. Bullet Through direct formation in the early universe  

  3. Bullet Through merging stellar mass black holes within a galaxy

  4. Bullet Interesting & informative podcast on formation of supermassive black holes

  1. Bullet Observational evidence for the 10 million solar mass black hole at the center of our Galaxy

  2. Bullet Great Nova video on our Milky Way’s monster

What causes a supermassive black hole to actively accrete material?

  1. Bullet Evidence for and against major mergers as the cause for active accretion

  2. Bullet Observational evidence supporting theories promoting the need for bars and disk instabilities

  3. BulletScience’ article on feeding supermassive black holes

  1. Bullet Info on lifetimes and number of galaxies at a given time that have supermassive black holes in their center that are actively accreting

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