

- Scylla: Myth, Metaphor, Paradox. Cambridge University Press, 2012.

       Reviews: BMCR 2013.08.53 (C. Francese); CJ 2014.01.07 (E. Dodson-Robinson); CR 64.01 (D. Berman); REG 127 (C. Delattre); Mnemosyne 67.5 (C. Clark)

- ed. with R. Gagné, Choral Mediations in Greek Tragedy. Cambridge University Press, 2013.

   Reviews: TLS 09/26/2014 (S. Halliwell); BMCR 2014.10.50 (S. Nooter)


Articles and book chapters:

- Introduction: The Chorus in the Middle” (with R. Gagné). In R. Gagné and M. G. Hopman eds., Choral Mediations in Greek Drama. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1-34.

- “Chorus, Conflict and Closure in Aeschylus’ Persians.” In R. Gagné and M. G. Hopman eds., Choral Mediations in Greek Drama. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 58-77.

- “Narrative and Rhetoric in Odysseus’ Tales to the Phaeacians.”American Journal of Philology 133.1 (2012) 1-30.

- “Monsters in Performance.” In V. Bers et al., eds (2012) Donum Natalicium Digitaliter Confectum Gregorio Nagy Septuagenario a Discipulis Collegis Familiaribus Oblatum.

- “Layered Stories in Aeschylus’ Persians.” In J. Grethlein and A. Rengakos eds. (2009) Narratology and Interpretation. Reading the Content of the Form. Berlin: de Gruyter, 357-76.

- “Revenge and Mythopoiesis in Euripides’ Medea.” Transactions of the American Philological Association 38.1 (2008) 155-83.

- “The Maiden of the Straits: Scylla in the Cultural Poetics of Greece and Rome.“ Harvard Studies in Classical Philology 103 (2007) 584.

- “Une déesse en pleurs: Niobé et la sémantique du mot theos chez Sophocle.” Revue des Études Grecques 117.2 (2004) 447-67.

- “Satire in Green: Marked Clothing and the Technique of indignatio at Juvenal 5.141-45.” American Journal of Philology 124.4 (2003) 557-74.

- “Le jeu des épithètes dans les Hymnes Orphiques.” Kernos 14 (2001) 35-49.



- C.A.E. Luschnig, Granddaughter of the Sun: A Study of Euripides’ Medea (Brill, 2007) in Classical Review 59.1 (2009).

- M. Alden, Para-Narratives in the Iliad (Oxford, 2000) in Revue des Études Grecques 115 (2002) 438-39.


Reference Work Entries:

- “Scylla and Charybdis” and “Scylla Nisi” in R. Thomas and J. Ziolkowski eds. The Virgil Encyclopedia. Wiley-Blackwell. 200 words each. Forthcoming.

- “Chorus” in R. Greene ed. (2012) The Princeton Encyclopedia of Poetry and Poetics. Princeton: Princeton University Press. 875 words.