Socrates in the Vernacular. A book-length study of the uses of the story of Socrates in 20th and 21st century American popular media. Under contract with Harvard University Press. In preparation.
“Caryatids on 34th Street,” a chapter for Classical New York: Greece and Rome in New York City’s Art and Architecture, 1830-1940, Fordham University Press, edited by Matthew McGowen and Elizabeth Macauley-Lewis, forthcoming.
"Shedon Wolin's Politics and Vision" (co-author with Lucy Cane), Oxford Handbook of Classics in Contemporary Political Theory, edited by Jacob Levy. In preparation.
"Aristophanes Clouds and the Battle of Delium: a new look at why the poet targets Socrates." An article in preparation.
Military Service in Ancient Greek Political Theory, a book-length study of the central role of soldiering in the Greek conception of citizenship. Under development.
The digital humanities project includes "The Bosher Collection," a database of performances of Greek and Roman drama on Chicago stages from the 1840s to today and "Atlas," a lively presentation of evidence of the diversity of encounters with classical antiquity that pervade Chicago culture across media and through time.
An Arts & Humanities Research Council (UK) funded research project directed by Edith Hall and based at King's College, London, investigating class-conscious uses of classical antiquity. C&C maintains a strong digital profile for the public and scholars.
Dramaturge, Socrates Now, Elliniko Theatro (NY and Athens)
Socrates Now, a theatrical recreation of Plato's Apology of Socrates, is being performed all over the world d by Yannis Simonides. Con-sti-tu-tion, a theatrical adaption of the arc of the argument of Plato's Republic is in preparation.