Alessandro Pavan
2211 N. Campus Drive
Kellogg Global Hub 3357
Evanston, Illinois 60208-2600
Tel. (847) 491-8266
Fax. (847) 491-7001
Curriculum Vitae:
Research Interests:
Work in Progress:
The work indicated by _*_ has been supported by the National Science Foundation under the grants SES-0518810 and SES-0721048. The work indicated by _**_ under the grant SES-1156077. The work indicated by _***_ under the grant SES 1530798. The work indicated by _****_ under the grant SES-1730483. The work indicated by _*****_ under the grant SES 2315652.
(with Luca Colombo and Gianluca Femminis) — previously titled “Optimal Fiscal and Monetary Policy with Investment Spillovers and Endogenous Private Information” and “Subsidies to Technology Adoption when Firms’ Information is Endogenous” — Supplement — NEW VERSION
(with Jean Tirole)
(with Savitar Sundaresan and Xavier Vives) — Slides information acquisition
(with Jean Tirole) — NEW VERSION
(with Andrea Attar, Eloisa Campioni, and Thomas Mariotti) (*****) NEW VERSION COMING SOON — Slides-private-disclosures
(with Daniel Fershtman) — NEW VERSION
(with Jean Tirole) — UNDER REVISION
(with Miltos Makris) — ONGOING WORK
(with Daniel Garrett and Juuso Toikka) — NEW VERSION TO COME
(with Renato Gomes) — RAND JOURNAL OF ECONOMICS, 2024, 55.2, 230-265
(with Renato Gomes) — in “ONLINE MATCHING-BASED MARKET DESIGN,” Echenique, Immorlica and Vazirani Editors, Cambridge University Press
(With George-Marios Angeletos and Guido Lorenzoni) - REVIEW OF ECONOMIC STUDIES, 2023, 90(3), 1041-1088 1
Previous version circulated under title "Beauty Contests and Irrational Exuberance: A Neoclassical Approach.”
(with Piotr Dworczak ) (****) — ECONOMETRICA, 2022, 90(5), 2017-2051
(with Bruno Jullien and Marc Rysman)
(with Daniel Fershtman) — RAND JOURNAL OF ECONOMICS, 2022, 53(1), 32-62.
(with Miltos Makris) —— JOURNAL OF POLITICAL ECONOMY, 2021 Volume 129, 1878-1944.
(with Daniel Fershtman)
(With Bruno Jullien) — REVIEW OF ECONOMIC STUDIES, 2019, 86(4), 1666-1703 Supplementary Material
(With Renato Gomes and Jean-Marie Lozachmeur) — REVIEW OF ECONOMIC STUDIES, 2018, 85(1), 511–557 — Supplementary Material
(With Daniel Fershtman) — AMERICAN ECONOMIC REVIEW, 2017, 107(5), 186-90 (Papers and Proceedings) — Supplementary Material (***)
(With Renato Gomes) -- THEORETICAL ECONOMICS, 11, September, 2016, 1005–1052
(With Dirk Bergemann) -- JOURNAL OF ECONOMIC THEORY, September 2015, Volume 159(B), 679-1096
(With Xavier Vives) -- JOURNAL OF ECONOMIC THEORY, July 2015, 158(B), 407-426
(With Daniel Garrett) -- JOURNAL OF ECONOMIC THEORY, September 2015, Volume 159(B), 775-818 — Supplementary Material
Results in the previous version no longer in the paper can be found at Dynamic Managerial Compensation: OLD VERSION
(With Luca Colombo and Gianluca Femminis) -- REVIEW OF ECONOMIC STUDIES, 81, October 2014, 81, 1438-1483.
(With Ilya Segal and Juuso Toikka) -- ECONOMETRICA, 82(2), April 2014, 601-653. It supersedes the old (finite-horizon) version circulated under the same title as well as the notes on
"Infinite Horizon Mechanism Design". Some earlier results are in my solo paper Long-Term Contracting in a Changing World
(With George-Marios Angeletos) -- THEORETICAL ECONOMICS, Vol. 8(3), September 2013, 883-938 -- supersedes the paper "Preempting Speculative Attacks: Robust Predictions in a Global Game with Multiple Equilibria"
(With Daniel Garrett) -- JOURNAL OF POLITICAL ECONOMY, Vol. 120(5), October 2012, 879-925 -- Supplementary Material
(With Giacomo Calzolari) -- AMERICAN ECONOMIC JOURNAL: MICROECONOMICS, 2(2), May 2010, 132-190
(With George-Marios Angeletos) -- JOURNAL OF THE EUROPEAN ECONOMIC ASSOCIATION, 7(1), March 2009, 11-60.
(With Giacomo Calzolari) -- JOURNAL OF ECONOMIC THEORY, 144(2), February 2009, 503-531. Supplementary Material
(With Giacomo Calzolari) -- GAMES AND ECONOMIC BEHAVIOR, Vol. 64(1), September 2008, 329-334
(With George-Marios Angeletos) -- ECONOMETRICA, Vol. 75(4), July 2007, 1103-1142. Supplementary Material
(With George-Marios Angeletos and Christian Hellwig) -- ECONOMETRICA, Vol. 75(3), May 2007, 711-756. Supplementary Material
(With George-Marios Angeletos) -- JOURNAL OF THE EUROPEAN ECONOMIC ASSOCIATION, Vol. 5(3), May 2007, 585-593 -- NBER version with mathematical appendix
(With Giacomo Calzolari) -- JOURNAL OF ECONOMIC THEORY, 130(1), September 2006, 168-204 -- This work builds on a previous paper "Optimal Design of Privacy Policies."
(With Giacomo Calzolari) -- RAND JOURNAL OF ECONOMICS, Vol. 37(2), Summer 2006, 362-375 -- Supplementary Material
(With George-Marios Angeletos and Christian Hellwig) -- JOURNAL OF POLITICAL ECONOMY, Vol. 114(3), June 2006, 452-485. Supplementary Material
(With Marco LiCalzi) -- EUROPEAN ECONOMIC REVIEW, Vol. 49, January 2005, 227-250 -- Accepted when EER was JOURNAL OF EUROPEAN ECONOMIC ASSOCIATION
(With George-Marios Angeletos) -- AMERICAN ECONOMIC REVIEW, Vol. 94(1), May 2004, 91-98 (Papers and Proceedings)
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Last update: November 2023